Twice this week I've been in meetings with parents who want their high functioing kids with autism to have more "insight" about their own behaviors, manipulations and the burden they bring to the family. This is an experience I've seen repeatedly, particularly in families with HFA/Aspie kids. They seem so darned close to "getting it" the "it" being the sublties of social relationships and it's so frustrating for the family members when the person then resumes their rigid thinking or soon repeats the very same behavior or dynamic that was just discussed.
What these folks tend to forget is that the subtlties of relationships are in the very heart of the social and communication delays that folks with HFA have. Remembering that the person, no matter how insightful or bright they may be in other areas, still has autism. Thus, they are always likely to exhibit this lack of personal awareness. It's not done to make you crazy, it's just who they are.